The following outlines actions that constitute a non-acceptable use of our Service and will result in immediate cancellation and removal of your account and all of its contents from our Service without warning, notification, reimbursement or credit for any amounts already paid:
Using the Services to encourage any illegal, abusive or other activities that interfere with the business or activities of Enterprise Systems Australia and/or other customers.
Attempting to bypass or break any security mechanism on any of the Services or using the Services in any other manner that poses a security or service risk to Enterprise Systems Australia or any of its users.
Reverse engineering the Services in order to find limitations, vulnerabilities, or evade filtering capabilities.
Using the Services in any manner that may subject Enterprise Systems Australia or any third party to liability, damages or danger.
Launching or facilitating, whether intentionally or unintentionally, a denial of service attack on any of the Services or any other conduct that adversely impacts the availability, reliability, or stability of the Services.
Transmitting any material that contains viruses, trojan horses, worms or any other malicious, harmful, or deleterious programs.
Using the Services to engage in or in connection with fraudulent activity.
Violating or facilitating the violation of any local, regional, provincial, state, federal, or foreign law or regulation, including laws and regulations regarding the transmission of data or software.
Taking any action to participate in, encourage or promote any activity prohibited under this terms of use.
Using the service to mass email or spam third parties without their consent or not in accordance to CAN-SPAM and similar guides.
Using the Services to transmit any material that infringes the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties.
Using the Services to transmit any material that is libellous, defamatory, discriminatory, or otherwise malicious or harmful to any person or entity.
Using the Services, or any component of the Services, in any manner not authorized by Enterprise Systems Australia.
Impersonate other users without permission, or access any area of the platform not allowed to access.